Discovering Armenia On A Map: A Personal Experience


As an avid traveler, I always make sure to research the destination before visiting it. When planning my trip to Armenia, I did the same thing. I looked at pictures, read travel blogs, and searched for information about Armenia on a map. What I discovered was a country filled with rich history, beautiful landscapes, and friendly people.

Where Is Armenia Located?

Armenia is a landlocked country in the South Caucasus region of Eurasia. It is bordered by Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, Azerbaijan to the east, and Iran to the south. The country covers an area of 29,743 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 3 million people.

The Beauty Of Armenia

Armenia is a country of contrasts. It has snow-capped mountains, lush forests, and deep canyons. The country is also home to Lake Sevan, one of the largest freshwater high-altitude lakes in the world. The lake is surrounded by stunning mountain scenery and is a popular destination for tourists.

Armenia is also known for its ancient monasteries and churches. The most famous of these is the Geghard Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The monastery is carved out of a mountain and is one of the most unique and beautiful religious sites in the world.

The Culture And People Of Armenia

The people of Armenia are warm, friendly, and hospitable. They are proud of their culture and heritage and are always eager to share it with visitors. The country has a rich history, and it is reflected in the architecture, art, and traditions of the people.

Armenia is also known for its cuisine. The food is a blend of Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavors and includes dishes like dolma, khorovats, and lavash. The country is also famous for its brandy, which is considered one of the best in the world.

Why You Should Visit Armenia

If you are looking for a unique and unforgettable travel experience, Armenia should be on your list. The country is still relatively undiscovered, which means you can avoid the crowds that can sometimes overwhelm popular tourist destinations.

Armenia is also affordable. Accommodations, food, and transportation are all reasonably priced, which makes it an excellent destination for budget travelers.


Armenia is a country that should not be missed. Its rich history, stunning landscapes, and friendly people make it a perfect destination for travelers. Whether you are interested in exploring ancient monasteries or trying delicious Armenian cuisine, Armenia has something for everyone.

Question & Answer:

Q: Is Armenia safe for tourists?

A: Yes, Armenia is generally safe for tourists. The country has a low crime rate, and the people are friendly and welcoming to visitors. However, like any other destination, it is always important to take precautions and be aware of your surroundings.

Q: What is the best time to visit Armenia?

A: The best time to visit Armenia is during the spring (April to June) and fall (September to November). The weather is mild, and the crowds are smaller than during the summer months.

Q: What is the currency of Armenia?

A: The currency of Armenia is the Armenian Dram (AMD). 1 USD is approximately 500 AMD.

Armenia Map (Political) Worldometer
Armenia Map (Political) Worldometer from

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